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Truman Transition Plan 2024-2025.pdf

PHONE: 267-599-2210 ⬥ FAX: 215-946-1729
Harry S Truman High School Transition Plan
Middle to High School
Counselors will visit both middle schools and discuss opportunities for scheduling classes. An evening event is also planned for interested parents. Students then have an opportunity to schedule a tour as well.
Orientation is held prior to the beginning of classes. Freshmen participate in special activities and experience their schedule prior to everyone returning to school. Counselors and teachers are on hand to help students make a successful transition. Parents are encouraged to attend Truman Tiger Family Night (Back to School Night).
New Students
Counselors welcome new students and assist with their transition. Registration documents are completed and submitted to the administrative support staff. Our administrative staff will request records/transportation and enroll the student. The assigned school counselor will create a schedule and transcript (if required).
On the student’s first day, the counselor reviews the schedule and helps facilitate obtaining appropriate login information and a Chromebook. The counselor also assists by assigning a peer escort to help acclimate the student to the school building and help him/her to each class.
High School Graduation to College and Career
The purpose of the Harry S Truman High School program is to provide the best possible education to all students. Every course offered is considered important. All courses are available to all students, provided any stated prerequisites are met. The minimum curriculum should never be accepted as the standard for students. For most students, such a program would be inadequate preparation for the future.
Students are required to complete a minimum of 25 credits to graduate. A minimum 60 grade average must be obtained in all courses to receive credit. Credits will be awarded to students who earn a 60 or higher as a final grade in a course. Students will
fail a full-year course for the year if they receive a:
● Grade of 59 or lower for three marking periods. (Full year course)
● Grade of 59 or lower for two marking periods and the final exam (Half-year course)
Students must receive a minimum grade of 60 in each of the following:
● English 4 credits
● Mathematics 3 credits
● Science 3 credits
● Social Studies 3 credits
● Physical Education 1.5 credits
● Health .5 credits
● STEM Elective 1 credit (in Math, Science, Technology, or
● Arts and Humanities
● 2 credits (in Fine Arts, World Languages, FCS, or Music)
● Electives 7 credits
Total 25 credits
College and Career Planning and Preparation
As part of the Future Ready PA Index, students are expected to have career readiness experiences throughout their middle and high school years. These experiences are aligned with the Career Readiness Standards. Counselors use Naviance as a tool to collect artifacts associated with our college/career and future planning. During 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students participate in various career readiness experiences that will be documented and housed in Naviance. Students will participate in at least two experiences each year. Our 12th-grade students use Naviance as a resource to send transcripts and associated documents for college admissions.
Counselors assist with PSAT testing for all 10th & 11th grade students. The results of the PSAT are used for future planning and goal setting. Counselors meet yearly with their students to discuss academics, scheduling, and future planning. Students may opt to take
the SAT/ACT. Students complete college/trade school/technical school applications and connect this information with Naviance. Counselors assist with college and career research, sending transcripts and writing letters of recommendation.
Counselors closely monitor student credits for graduation and Keystone test scores/Pathways to Graduation (ACT 158).
Reviewed/Edited - 6/4/24